Do you know how Advantech 610H chassis was named? That's because at the beginning, this kind of chassis was slightly expensive, with a single price of 610 dollars. It gets its name from this. It is said that the industrial control cabinet can be expanded by looking at the space, the air duct, the thickness of steel plate and the four aspects; In terms of these four aspects, the 4U19 '' imitation Advantech 610H industrial control chassis of Najiuyin Industrial Control is absolutely the best of the best.
对于工业行业机箱来说,内部架构直接影响的是整机的散热以及装机性能的表现,那么610H这款机箱在这方面怎么样呢?让我们一起来看看。 在内部空间上,最大兼容12’’X9.6’’(305*340MM)的ATX主板;支持1个3.5英寸或1个2.英寸硬盘,基本满足客户的存储需求。前置3个5.25光驱位,同时支持340MM的显卡位空间。即便全部塞满了,内部空间依然很宽松。